
The Labyrinth
full stop.

If respect even comes into it, is using a part of some unknown body to make a work of trite art worse than leaving it in a bag? Somehow I couldn't bring myself to set scalpel to that fragment of spongy bone. Somehow I ended up shaping it with my teeth, picking at it with my nails as if it were part of my own body. How small a part of someone is taboo? Some cells are more sacred than others, even now. Eggs and seed. The chest was already broken, using it was a little step.
Temporal Meditation (The Black Queen's Pawn)

My recent work has been moving towards aspects of process and performance, and not only in durational, endurance activities such as this and my network drawings: I have found that the aspect of exhibiting my work that is most exciting is the opportunity to use the work as a seed and a site for dialogue with the public.
Recursive Colophon

I've just noticed the similarities between this image and the black beams in the post below. Coincidence? Yes.

Flexible Territory
I have been meaning for some time to make a flexible piece that was both map and territory. Ragged coastlines and damaged documents share a certain quality of torn, fractal edge, that sense of the 'giantiny' I mentioned in the Found Paintings post.
Carving Nature at the Joints

This Foundation Stone

I'm reading Sinclair's Lights Out for the Territory, on loan from AHB. He writes in soundbites, shorthand. Writes of the scurf of abandoned tags and slogans, lateral moraines deposited in sidestreets by the glacial movements of the capital's polity, each graffito a letter in the great unending unreadable name of London, written in its native tongue. The city's language a hydra of tongues, a mouthful of tongues and limestone teeth, a great mute body skinned with a sea of such mouths, silently scrawling over the brickwork with their felt-tipped tongues. A freewheeling fragmentary prose, a pandemic infectious cant cultured in London's feral book trade...
This photo, however, was taken in Bristol.

Found Paintings

The Gatehouse

The Fall of Language

The Overstrung Piano
This ink drawing on Fabriano paper, completed over a fortnight in Easter 2006, is around one by one and a half metres. It's a crooked, inaccurate rendition of an overstrung upright piano with the front removed. The strings, by far the most excruciatingly time-consuming aspect, are chirstmas marker and gold gel pen. Well, two gold gel pens. The drawing has annotations embedded within it, describing the functioning of certain parts of the overstrung mechanism.

Collapsed Notebooks


When writing about serious issues, indeed even when thinking about them, one instantly comes up against a barrier. To use the word 'environment' is to immediately alienate your audience. To talk about corporate misdeeds, environmental damage, social ills, whatever, is to be ignored or fobbed off as a 'crank'. There is no way to broach the subject. There is no way to look someone in the eye and say:
“I just found out about what Coca Cola is doing in Columbia. I can’t get the image of the 14 year old daughter of a trade union activist who was kidnapped, tortured, and dumped at the side of a road out of my head. My friend, I, formerly a lover of Coca Cola, can no longer drink this or any of the thousands of other drinks owned by the Coca Cola Company. When I go to Turkey, I cannot drink the local bottled water, or anything else bought by Coca Cola. The fact that the sugar used in Coca Cola is harvested by child labour, the environmental destruction in Bhopal, India, none of it mattered to me. I drank Coke regardless. But this, this story changed my mind, and I cannot forget it. My friend, I come to you for your advice, and solidarity. I can no longer suffer alone. I must share my story. I cannot do this alone. Join with me in not drinking Coke. Show me that this does mean something.”
But no, it cannot happen. My story is ridiculous; a secondhand anecdote about foreigners.
I don’t know why it is, but seriousness is taboo. There is the feeling:
“If I listen to this, if I give my heart, where will it stop? If I learn of the wrongs of Nestle, I can no longer enjoy their ice creams or chocolates or cereals or the products of any of the many other companies they own a large stake in. Where will this end? Every choice I make will require weeks of research, choosing between one manufacturer who poisons the water and another who subcontracts sweatshops. There is no holy path in this world. I do not want to know about these things; who am I to cry about the fate of the world, or to sit in hand-me-down judgement? We must be realistic. We must harden our hearts. I have no time to mourn the deaths of those I don’t know. People die every day, and if they die at the hands of American-trained paramilitary militias working on behalf of Coca Cola to suppress workers rights in bottling factories then so be it. If union leaders are executed at their bench in the factory then so be it. I wash my hands of it.”
Public space is increasingly invaded, branded and privatised. We are bombarded with information specifically designed to demand our attention, compromise our judgement and self control, and misinform us about the reality outside the bubble we live in. Our views, our ideologies, our various sub-cultures are intentionally shaped by multinational corporations; the collusion of ad-funded media and complicity of governments mired in massive debt hides systemic coercion and corruption beneath.
The crucial thing to understand is that this has not happened all of a sudden. Nothing is ‘going wrong’ with the system. Power has always been inextricably linked to wealth and force; to control. The only differences today are differences of scale and means. At no other time in history has Man had the power to alter the workings of the planet as a whole. Much of this is intentional; interlaced empires span the globe, funnelling the wealth of the world into fewer and fewer grinning mouths.
Dreadful as this is, the game has been the same since the Holy Roman Empire. What have changed are the unintentional means: bioaccumulative poisons jumping ten times with every step up the food chain; millennia of stored carbon pouring daily out of chimneys; fiddled genes creeping into the pool. We have the power to damage things we cannot repair, and we are using it.
My rage, my bitterness, my despair is carcinogenic. I cannot live with this knowledge, yet I am compelled to learn more, uncover more. No more can I believe VERITAS VOS LIBERABIT. Rather, THE TRUTH HURTS. Yet there is an enjoyment, a very similar enjoyment to smoking, I think. I crave dark knowledge, powerful truths that can bleach hair. Wisdom that shows in the face. I can’t help but read: read as if the next article will show me how to solve the problems, all the problems; read as if knowledge itself were enough to protect me from the horror knowledge itself provokes; read as if it made a difference; read as if the next line can forestay the crippling apathy and futility. I read everything I can, and finish nothing. My room is piled with open books, nested on each others’ cracked spines.
coca cola,
The A Game Map

Early Plans for The A Game

These diagrams reference a number of starting points for the Game's development. Among those shown here are the five Chinese elements, alchemy, environmental damage and the politics of cartography, and Mammon. Mammon is the embodiment of callous avarice and fiscal corruption, an anthropomophic personification with roots in the Old Testament.
The A Game
On the occasion of my completion of the First Round of The A Game, I here begin a weblog charting its progress and vagueries. These images of the board and single pawn were taken during the Line of Thought exhibition held at Paintworks, Bristol (16/05/07...).
The board comprises sixty four separate tiles, each just shy of one foot square, on 3/4" fibreboard. Each was produced as an individual image and no two are the same, although motifs are echoed by more than one tile and there are several sets of tiles produced using similar techniques.

A list of materials and equipment:
Indian Ink
Mitsubishi "Eye" Pens
Corretion Fluid
Acrylic-based Varnish
White Emulsion
Solvent-based Gold and Silver Inks
Iron Wire
Transfer Type
Printed Map
Firelighting Gel

The pawn was made by hand from porcelain and then fired and glazed. The Second Round of the game will involve making a full set of pieces from a variety of materials, including carved sea coal, brass and latex. I have begun my preliminary researches for the Second Round and hope to have completed the four Rooks by early 2008.

Some points of departure:
The Alphabet: The history of the Alphabet is one of abstraction and the evolution of graphic memes. Basic hieroglyphic forms which could double up as syllables in names or for use in words which had no hieroglyph were adapted by Egypt’s Semitic population for use with their own language. This altered body of signs was then eventually taken up by the Greeks, who further simplified and abstracted the images.
The original pictographic signs were worn smooth by countless hands, simplified by an endless process of Chinese whispers until they became abstract shapes. These 26 sigils were useful precisely because they are meaningless, empty signs that can be filled over and over again. With centuries of use, however, the letters of the alphabet have gained faint meaning again, not least because of the development of alphabet books for to help children memorise the letters (A is for Apple and so on).

Chess: The evolution of the abstract chess piece follows a similar course to the alphabet, travelling hundreds of miles between people who only half understood one another. The original Indian forms were themselves the result of centuries of development, a set of complex miniature sculptures rich with symbolic detail. When chess was taken up by the Arabic world, their religious prohibition of representational images meant that new pieces were made, retaining only the rough silhouettes of the Indian originals for recognition.
From the Middle East, these abstract pieces were taken all over Europe, and gradually over the following centuries marking and then full relief was added to the pieces in the tradition of Mediæval European carving. During this period, older abstract sets in precious materials remained in play, and many cheaper sets were made for use by the general public. These sets, often of ceramics or turned wood, were a mixture of abstract forms and representational elements because of the cost of carving.
The abstraction and then loss of the original representational forms was a critical development, however, because it allowed a pluralism of ideas about the form and meaning of the pieces. Across Europe, pieces were made differently. This meant that during the Renaissance, new abstract forms for the pieces could be invented. Many such forms were inspired by the wood turning process. These were combined with representational crowns for each piece to aid in identification.

Games: There is a certain kind of looking that only comes when one is deep in a game. Attention is enhanced, narrowed. Schooled to certain stimuli, the mind overlays an invisible lacework of potential correspondences onto the eye. Relentlessly, the eye attempts to bore into the surfaces of things, only to glance off them, restlessly flitting from one knot to another and back. Looking, looking. All the while feeling the threads linking the knots, feeling the tremor of a movement in the web, feeling the fine lines like a hair under the eyelid, feeling that maddening itch of something on the edge of perception.
It is as though I am playing a game of chess inside myself. I can feel the subtle power of making a move, but I have not yet found how to make a board and pieces outside myself to share the game with other people. (Sometimes a calligraphic line can mirror part of the game for the instant after I draw it.) Any object can become a pawn, any word. Each square on the board contains another board. Each move is like a song.
A different game is being played out in the world, as unlike to my game as death is to life. The A Game. In this game I am less than a pawn. Lead moves into flesh. Money changes hands.

Indian Ink
Mitsubishi "Eye" Pens
Corretion Fluid
Acrylic-based Varnish
White Emulsion
Solvent-based Gold and Silver Inks
Iron Wire
Transfer Type
Printed Map
Firelighting Gel

The Alphabet: The history of the Alphabet is one of abstraction and the evolution of graphic memes. Basic hieroglyphic forms which could double up as syllables in names or for use in words which had no hieroglyph were adapted by Egypt’s Semitic population for use with their own language. This altered body of signs was then eventually taken up by the Greeks, who further simplified and abstracted the images.
The original pictographic signs were worn smooth by countless hands, simplified by an endless process of Chinese whispers until they became abstract shapes. These 26 sigils were useful precisely because they are meaningless, empty signs that can be filled over and over again. With centuries of use, however, the letters of the alphabet have gained faint meaning again, not least because of the development of alphabet books for to help children memorise the letters (A is for Apple and so on).

A different game is being played out in the world, as unlike to my game as death is to life. The A Game. In this game I am less than a pawn. Lead moves into flesh. Money changes hands.
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