This is a 'digital painting' that I completed today. Adding left/right symmetry to random phenomena always, for me, brings out faces. This form of assisted pareidolia (seeing patterns where there are none) always makes me wonder about the baroque facial recognition algorithms hard-wired into the human brain; at certain times - when rationality is weakened - even furniture can gain an expression. The world is so quickly turned in to the Beast's Castle (in the 1991 Disney movie) where every stick of furniture has a personality. And what is more, when we share our observations we often find that people will agree that, say, a certain jug looks pleased with itself, and another jug looks glum. (Indeed, it is not only in English that objects such as ceramic vessels share our anatomies; lips and feet, necks and bellies). Whether we learn all of it from experience, or have some basic physiognomy hardwired, we all infer character from appearance, and our inferences often agree.